Our Numbers Add Up!
What if your empty bench could be filled and ready for additional sales in 10 WEEKS OR LESS?
With the Sow Fast. Grow Fast.™ program, you can keep your benches full after Spring for additional shoulder season sales. Use this chart to create fast, expertly designed combos from varieties that are meticulously trialed with proven germination and calculated finish times.
It’s the top growing program proven to fill benches with quality seed product FAST and the solution to KEEP YOUR SALES GROWING!
SolTM Collection Lizzard Leaf Celosia
Lighthouse Red Salvia
BonanzaTM Gold Marigold
Lo RiderTM Rose Petunia
Ice Cream Orange Celosia
Lighthouse Red Salvia
Lo RiderTM Blue Petunia
Lighthouse Red Salvia
DurangoTM Orange Marigold
Purple Prince Alternanthera